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In the spirit of service, not self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

Looking for a way to support our Veterans and Community?
Join the American Legion Auxiliary and our patriotic team!


 To be eligible to join the Auxiliary you must be a spouse, daughter, granddaughter, mother, grandmother, or sister of a living or deceased Veteran.  Membership dues are $40 a year for seniors (over 18) and $20 a year for juniors that are from birth to 18 years old.  Eligibility requirements are that your Veteran is living must be a member of an American Legion Post anywhere in the country.  If your eligible Veteran is deceased, you would need to prove that he served during his lifetime with either a DD214 or military id card.

The Auxiliary supports Post 29 and our Veterans in any way possible.  We sponsor a Scholarship program for our juniors and provide a week at Girls State in June also.  We partner with local schools to assist with school supplies and other needs they may have.  Business leaders speak at our meetings.  Members volunteer at the Cobb’s VA Clinic and Atlanta’s VA Hospital.  We cook, serve, decorate, and plan social events for all to enjoy.

     WHY JOIN?

•    If you are a responsible citizen, value patriotism, volunteerism and advocacy for Veterans, the military and their families, you will feel right at home in the American Legion Auxiliary.

•    As a member of Unit 29, you will have a ready-made support system and many hands-on opportunities to serve in way that will truly make a difference.

     WE NEED YOU!   Click HERE to download an application, or you can apply online HERE.  If you would like a tour of our Post or have questions, please email me at and I would be glad to assist you.

A.L.A. Leadership

Bernadette LaRocque, President



Sandy Garner, 1st Vice President


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